On April 26, the first activity of linguistic salon in SWJTU had been held in X8310 of School of Humanities. Professor Zhou Junxun, Huang Yang, Zheng Wuxi and doctoral and graduate students had participated in the discussion.
The theme of this event was the study of the preface and sentence-types in The Handbook of Grammar Research. The preface is mainly about principles of outline, methods and research objectives in this handbook. Mr. Huang had made a concise comment on them and offered some other supplemental material. To field study work, PhD student Liu Yu had introduced the usage of the Survey Plan to Dialect Grammar Corpus in Modern Chinese, and then shared his own investigation experience. Direct quotation and indirect speech were talked about in sentence-types discussion. Student Jiang Mengyuan and Song Jintao had reported their research about Zi Yang dialect and An Yang dialect. Mr. Huang had concluded that the terms and examples should be mastered well. The category and functions are important in language research. Ms. Zheng Wuxi hoped that students can take part in language survey themselves to understand knowledge from books better.
Professor Zhou encouraged students to regard social life as a language lab and do not neglect any new idea and opinion. The found problems should get further researches by facts and guidance from experts. So the valuable conclusions can be discovered from small details.
The linguistic salon aims at offering an academic platform for communication and help students get a broad perspective and creative thinking in further research. More students are welcomed to get involved in the salon.